July 2021 - Holiness


Dear all,

 I come to you in full summer heat to renew our reciprocal unity and our commitment to walk united in the way of Love to become saints together, urging us to this was the recent religious profession of sr. Silvia, in which many have been involved, participating in her joy and desirous to say, with her, our “yes” to God, each according to their own state of life.

The discipleship of Jesus calls us to holiness, which is a gift and participation in his holiness.

So, let’s live seeking the things above.


If it were in my power, I would like to be already holy, to testify the beauty of God in the Church and the world of today, however I’m not discouraged by my limits or imperfections. If God invites us to holiness: “Be holy, because I, the Lord your God, am holy” (Lev 19,2), it is a sign that sanctity is possible for us since now.

We will be saints one day in heaven, if we already are here on earth, death will reveal to us what we already are. This means that holiness is attainable for us immediately if it is the holiness of God, of Jesus living among us, the Saint among us.

Holiness is a gift to welcome with humility, God can lead us to it whenever he wants and how ever he wants, it is not a fruit of our efforts and merits, even though it demands our correspondence to his grace.

I have always said that I desire to go to heaven with clasped hands, without anything, to pronounce, at my arrival, only one name: “Mary” - in her is all my confidence. I feel that my path is one of littleness and entrustment to the arms of the Mother. It does not consist for me in scaling the mountain of perfection, but in travelling the path of spiritual childhood to descend into the valley of humility and rise up, in the arms of Mary, until the Trinity.

Doing the will of God in the present moment leads us on this path; discerning and fulfilling what God wants of us every moment does not mean completing a series of actions according to the moral law, but to keep listening to the voice of the conscience and of the motions of the Holy Spirit, it also means being attentive to the guidance of God through the events in our life and of the history that we live.

Let us not forget that we will only be saints tomorrow, if we are immediately, welcoming Love in us, who is God, the Saint among us, who enlightens and guides us.

To love God, we have nothing other than the present instant to live fully.

The path of holiness is wonderfully synthesized in psalm 84, in which the psalmist turned towards the Lord expresses himself like this:

Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
    whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
As they pass through the Valley of Baka,
    they make it a place of springs;
    the autumn rains also cover it with pools.

 They go from strength to strength,
    till each appears before God in Zion.

If every day we walk in the will of God, welcoming in us his grace which guides us and opens us to his holiness, the vigor of our spirit, along the path, will grow until we appear in front of God in the celestial Jerusalem. Passing through the valley of cries, across the various trials of life, we will turn them into a spring.

So let us travel with determination on the way of holiness; we only have one life, let’s not waste it.

We will be saints if we are saints today, now, immediately, living every instant in love. Starting again and again without ever losing hope or trust.

Let’s become saints together, guarding the presence of Jesus among us to radiate the beauty of communion in the world.

Let us not be satisfied with little things, God wants to do great things in us. If we love, Jesus is among us and he, the Saint, sanctifies us together.


 sr. Nunziella