Dearest all,

we are at the beginning of September, we have recently celebrated the two professions of sr. Silvia and sr. Diva, let us thank God for these new vocations flowered in the garden of the Church and let us take up our path on the way of sanctity with a renewed vigor, certain of God’s faithfulness, who has wanted and loved us since eternity.

I would now like to meditate with you on the relationship Jesus-Mary and on the possibility for us and for everyone to participate in it. It seems to me that there is still very much to discover on the mystery of this relationship, because from my point of view, the Church has not  deepened enough the christology in relation to the Virgin.

The vocation of humanity and creation, looking at its mystery, can be explained in light of Jesus-Mary’s relationship, “being Mary for Jesus” is the vocation of every man and of every woman called, so to speak, to give flesh to God, in the sense that Mary, Mother of the Word Incarnate and Mother of us, expresses the destiny of us all, the deep sense of our life, the only universal vocation of humankind: to generate Jesus in and among us, in communion with her, participating in her life, welcoming from the Holy Spirit the grace of participation in her maternity towards Jesus, who continues his incarnation in us.

If Jesus is the mediator between the Father and humanity, Mary is placed between us and Christ, none of us will ever have her experience, because all of us enter in relationship with Jesus born from her, who already has taken the flesh from her. Mary, the one and only immaculate flower of humanity and of creation, has generated God in the flesh; in her, in the mystery of the incarnation, the history and the creation, in a certain way, are synthesized and have reached their climax. The history of Israel blooms in the birth of the Messiah, all creation produces its most beautiful fruit: the Word Incarnate, all this through Mary.

To be christian or to be marian are, in my opinion, synonymous; on this view, it is not a matter of imitating Mary, but rather receiving from the Holy Spirit a grace of participation in her life, it deals, so to speak, with letting one’s self be lived by her in order to enter into her and establish through her the only possible true relationship with Jesus: that one of Mary. The Virgin Mother, having been chosen by God, is an obligatory path for Christ; she is the intercessor for all graces received from the Son so that she may distribute them to her sons and daughters, as the most loving Mother; placing ourselves in her heart, in communion with her, we learn to love Jesus with maternal love, generating him in every brother and sister we meet, generating him in us and among us. Through Mary, Jesus Christ continues his incarnation in the Church of all times.

Only Love, who is the Holy Spirit, can make us understand the mystery of Mary. It is necessary that we allow ourselves to be led by grace, living the ‘nothingness’ of one’s self, only in this way does one become Mary.

At times, we love God with “our” human love, but it’s necessary to be able to love God with his own Love, who is a person, the Holy Spirit, only in this way can we take part in Mary’s life, the woman of love. As St. Maximilian Kolbe explains, if the Word was incarnated in Jesus, the Holy Spirit was almost incarnated in Mary.

If humanity’s vocation is to “be Mary for Jesus”, the reality can look like a great “mystery”, in which we contemplate only Jesus and Mary and, in their reciprocal love, all humanity and all Heaven with the Trinity. The Holy Virgin is the relationship with Jesus, in her, the Spirit loves the Son, in her, is the explanation of the true unity with God and with humanity reachable by every man and every woman.

After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Mary takes the whole humanity into the love that she has for her Son.

By the Holy Spirit, Mary conceived the Son, later at Pentecost, surrounded by the apostles, welcomed the Holy Spirit who verifies and sustains the rising Church: the mystical Body of the Son.

Mary, living today in those who allows themselves to be “marianized” by her presence, still seeks her son in the humanity, in the men and women of our time and embraces every brother and sister in her relationship with Jesus; she is Mary for Jesus. We could say that all of us, sons and daughters of Mary, united to her, almost as her mystical presence, as “One Mother”, we continue the generation of the Word in the flesh, generating his presence in each of us and among us.

It is not possible to think of Christ without Mary.

Through us, Mary lives her mystical maternity towards the whole Christ, we understand her role as intercessor between us and Jesus; only in her, trying to see people and things through her eyes, will we be able to understand what it means to love as mother.

Who is the Word incarnate? Who really is Mary? Jesus and Mary are not outside of us, they are in us, or better, we are in them.

The mystery of the incarnation, fulfillment of history and of creation, is the incomparable beauty of the virginal relationship between Jesus and Mary, which contains us all.

The destination of humanity has been, wonderfully, fulfilled in the offering to God of an immaculate creature, made mother of God; in her, the true vocation of every man  and of every woman has become “giving the flesh” to the Word of God, letting themselves “be lived” by her, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

When the trinitarian Love wanted to reveal itself in the flesh, it became the communion of Jesus and Mary, synthesis of the new creation.

We just have to pray to Jesus Christ to introduce us, with his grace, into this mystery, which is immeasurable beauty.


Jesus, reveal your secret to me:

the Love which unites you to the Father,

breathe on me your Spirit,

send me the Consoler

and I’ll know that Love is a person.

I will love with Love

and I will be in you, in the Trinity,

with Mary and the other sons and daughters

of the only Father.


Jesus share your love with me:

that one which unites you to the Mother

and I will be, in her and with her,

her mystical presence here on earth,

intent on generating, in you,

the other sons and daughters

of the only father


O splendor of the Father,

Christ our Lord, assume me in you,

carry me in you, with the Mother,

into the Father’s bosom.


To fully live our relationship with Jesus we have to let ourselves be lived by Mary, it will be her to carry us to Christ; in communion with her, let us love Christ present in us, among us, in the Word, in the Eucharist, in the Church… wherever, offering him our every action, every cry of our heart: “For you, Jesus, with you, Mary!”

 sr. Nunziella



“For you, Jesus, with you, Mary!”

“Mom, live me”