Dear all,

In not much time Lent will start, what a more opportune time to undertake a path of conversion. God does not want lukewarmness from us, we should aim high, and this won’t be difficult if we believe in Love, which is the secret of an authentic human and christian life.

God calls everyone to holiness, to reach it, it’s enough to do his will every moment, always starting again, without ever becoming discouraged.

The Holy Spirit wants to shape Christ and Him Crucified, in us; this is the road to our holiness.

I would like to be next to each of you and speak to you, heart in hand, to invite you to let Jesus be Jesus in your life. It’s this to which I also exhort myself in this time of conversion which the Church offers in the Lenten path.

Our life should testify to the world our faith in Jesus, who has redeemed us by his death on the cross; it’s about him that I want to speak to you in this “Point of Light”.


Looking at the men and women of our time, it sometimes happens that we meet people with a frowning face, worried, lost in a million thoughts; at times everything indicates a sense of emptiness and of unease. Against this background, it can happen that instead we meet an honest face, serene, lit up by the light of faith.

Faith, here’s what humanity needs, now more than ever.

How many times, in our daily life, millions of events, infinite stimuli, solicitations, worries, mishaps and limits weigh on our spirit, preventing us from soaring, free of all weight, in Love.

What to do when fatigue takes hold of us and we’re tempted to be discouraged? Well, let’s fix our gaze of faith on Jesus Crucified: his glorious death contains the history of all times.

If only we would be able to comprehend something of this immense mystery! What joy there would be!

Personally, I’d like to love the Savior Jesus very much, and I would also like that you may love him. Only God can give us this grace.

Jesus Crucified is the life that destroys death.

It’s inconceivable the love of this crucified God who, on the cross, comes to the experience of feeling abandoned by the Father, right while he’s dying, in order to “make us members of God’s family”, sons and daughters of the Father. In the moment when Jesus, in pain, lives his abandonment, in that moment, he seems an orphan, without family, without the Father. He is identified with the sin of the world, he, the innocent, no longer feels the love of the Father, who on the contrary is with him and truly has not abandoned him.

In that moment, Jesus forsaken summarizes, as it were, the suffering of humanity in every age.

Even we, when we are affected by whatever pain, can remember that Jesus has taken upon himself our every suffering, uniting our pain to his sacrifice of love; let us live our every suffering as a meeting with him.

If we do this we will come to experience the grace contained in our every trial and suffering.

Nothing like the Pasqual mystery is the response to all our most intimate aspirations: Jesus, in his abandonment, loved us in such a way that he took upon himself our pains, our sins, our very own death, defeating it with the victory of his resurrection. He crucified with himself our “old self” and our own death, since he is Life itself.

So let’s let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit so that we never become paralyzed in front of the trials and difficulties of life. If we contemplate the crucifix we’ll see that when, on the cross, he shouts: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27,46) it seems he no longer feels the unity with the Father, who he calls God and no longer Father. In reality, he doesn’t lose the love of the Father, but so stricken by the physical, and above all spiritual suffering, being a human person he experiences feeling distant from God, he shares in this way our situation of misery and sin, to the point of feeling far from God, like us, devoid of his happiness in the moment in which he gives it, opening paradise to us.

Love calls for love. How not respond to so much love?

Let us be attentive to the interior movements of the Holy Spirit to learn the beauty of the constant offering of our life united to Jesus. Before our every action, let’s offer to Jesus that which we do, saying: “For you Jesus”. May this be the constant invocation of our heart, then, in front of various moments of suffering we can continue to offer our every little and great suffering to Jesus, telling him: “It’s you Lord, in this pain!”. In this way our life will have the taste of love.

So let us welcome every pain promptly, without analyzing it, beholding, with faith, the presence of Jesus forsaken, who comes to visit us and share our pain, we don’t live it alone but with him. We’ll discover that there is no suffering that isn’t participation with his passion, destined to be transformed into a song of love. Forward then, with courage, offering our every pain to Jesus, in this way we’ll live for the glory of God and the salvation of all.


Sr. Nunziella Scopelliti


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